
Woody has been practicing physical therapy since 2018. Since then, he’s discovered the opportunity to not only facilitate proper healing but also instill faith and confidence in his clients. With a focus on hope and a passion for science it’s obvious he has found a true niche and purpose at Pursuit PT.

LOCAL 219: Alright, to get started, was it circumstances, hobbies, or your childhood that led you to being in this position?

WOODY LUCAS: I was an athlete in high school and, as I was in college, I was trying to figure out what to do. Originally, I was a computer science major, but then I realized I wanted to work more with people. I enjoy computers and technology but wanted to engage with others. At that time I had some of my own knee injuries and was receiving physical therapy. I liked the science side of it, like the anatomy and physiology, and realized I could use the technical side of physical therapy but also interact with people a lot.

L219: How did you end up with your own clinic?

WL: I always thought growing up I would do something with business before learning about PT. After graduating PT school I worked for a private practice up in Minnesota and realized there’s a lot you can do with a PT clinic if you have a certain mission or values you want to be about; like serving people and serving the community. I had the opportunity to be a part of a practice that did that. When we moved back here to be near family that’s when we decided to open up Pursuit PT. We realized we wanted to help and serve people on a one-to-one basis.

L219: How long have you guys been here for?

WL: We opened up here in August of 2021.

L219: Ah, so you’re still fairly new. Have you enjoyed the journey up to this point?

WL: I always tell people I don’t really feel like I work. I think if you can find something that you’re passionate about, and you can do it for work, then that’s a great thing. For me there’s a few things: I really like interacting with people obviously.

I wanted to find a way to serve people and help them recover from injuries, but also try to help people live the healthiest lifestyle they want to live.

L219: What gets you out of bed in the morning? What gets you excited for the day?

WL: One of our core values at Pursuit PT is something call ‘Inspire Hope.’ We like to help people recover from injures but more than that we believe in people and we help people believe that they can get better. So, I get excited about that, those moments that people believe, “I’m gonna be okay.” Whether that’s after surgery, or it’s a CrossFit athlete who thinks they’re never going to be able to do fitness again, or even a kid with a sprained ankle. Giving them hope again is really a fun part of the job.

L219: I think sometimes we underestimate the value of encouragement. There’s incredible power behind instilling a belief system that says, “I have faith in you. I know you can do this, and I know you’ll recover from this.” Who do you feel has had the greatest influence on you?

WL: Both my parents. My dad is an awesome man in his faith and with his family as well.  Growing up he was a great role model who showed me how to be a good husband, a good father, and just a good man. My mom also. I was home schooled all the way through high school so she invested a ton in me and was another role model. My wife as well. We’ve been married for seven years, and probably as much as anyone, she’s helped me to learn and grow as a person.

L219: What has been one of the greatest lessons you’ve learned while running your own business and being involved with physical therapy?

WL: This comes from a mentor of mine; Brian McQuilkin and I were talking about how when you run your own business you try to balance your life with everything else it can be hard to juggle all that, and he told me this quote: “Be where your feet are.” It’s a really simple quote but it’s this idea of really being present in what you’re doing. If I’m at the clinic it’s making sure I’m 100% engaged with my patient. Physically and mentally here, not thinking about what I have to do at home or with my kids, or vise versa. If I’m at home I can’t be thinking about work. It’s really about being present where I’m at. I think it takes a lot of mental discipline to do that, but I believe it’s a great life lesson to practice.

L219: What do your enjoy most about your role?

WL: I think about a couple of things. My mentors have told me that, “Above all you’re an educator.” That I help people and empower people with information.

I love the lightbulb moment where people see the roadmap to getting better. So, I really enjoy that aspect of it. Giving people hope.

Sometimes it’s letting someone know there’s nothing sinister going on, you’re going to be okay. Giving people that peace of mind is a lot of fun.



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